Friday, March 4, 2011

Stop the Ringing!

If you are on and off or have a continuous ringing in the ears, you are not alone. About 12 million people in this country suffer from tinnitus. Sound you hear is not always call ringing. It can be like, squeal squeak, buzz, roar, or even whistle or hum. This problem can be only one ear or both ears. About a tenth of those who suffer from tinnitus can have it interfere with there days and find it hard to sleep at night.

There are many things that can cause tinnitus, but often this occurs when the nerve endings in the inner ear are damaged. The most common cause is inflammation of the inner ear. But things like high blood pressure or low allergy, wounds in the head or neck, drinking too much caffeine, high in salt, and fatigue can also be the culprit. Fewer cases are caused by serious medical problems.

How to stop tinnitus? The answer to this question may be different for each person who suffers. There are medical solutions for this problem.

° having an osteopathic physician manipulating the bones of the head can relieve pressure on nerves in the ears.

• For weight loss. If you have high blood pressure, lowers blood pressure naturally with weight loss can help.

• Some medicines can help. Alprazolam for anxiety drug has been shown in studies to reduce symptoms of tinnitus of 40%. Antihistamines and anticonvulsants to prevent crises have helped some people.

There are home remedies that people swear by almost all conditions. Some who can help stop ringing ears is shown here.

· This technique has been proposed by a doctor and have had some pretty good results. Place the palms over the ears with his fingers behind his head. Your middle finger touch the point of termination of the skull. Place your index fingers on the middle finger and click on them. This should make them hit my head like a drum. Repeat this 40 or 50 times.

• Since tinnitus can be caused by infection, a natural anti-inflammatory drugs can be tested, such as Devil's Claw, bromine, and curcumin. All these can be found in health food stores or in the form of capsules or tea. Use of diuretics to reduce fluid retention may also help. One of the diuretic herbal teas made from corn silk ball.

If you can not stop ringing in the ears, you may get relief with background music to mask the white noise of tinnitus.